Orientation Week Events


Welcome, Graduate Islanders! 

Due to inclement weather on August 22,2023, we were unable to conduct our in-person orientation session. Valuable information is shared from various departments across campus during orientation, and we still want to share this information with you. Below are video recordings covering topics discussed during orientation week. In addition to these videos, we will be hosting College of Graduate Studies Q&A sessions to assist with any questions you still have.

See schedule below of upcoming events. 


        Q&A Icon: A stylized question mark in a speech bubble. 


Graduate Advising, Audit, and Compliance

Discover how to navigate your academic journey seamlessly by learning about degree requirements, program guidelines, and important tools to assist you throughout your academic career. 



Student Outreach and Professional Development

Learn how the College of Graduate Studies has resources and events exclusive to graduate students. Hear about GROW and other activities.



Blackboard New User Tutorial Session 
Students will learn how Blackboard hosts course materials, such as the syllabi, readings, and assignments, and facilitates communication between instructors and students.
Strategies for Writing Successfully in Grad School Graduate Writing Workshop
This workshop is designed to help graduate students improve their writing skills and provide guidance and feedback on various types of academic writing, such as research papers, dissertations, and theses.
Library Services for Graduate Students 
Our library staff members will provide instruction on conducting research, locating, accessing library materials, and using library tools and databases. You can just log on to meet your program-specific academic librarian.
VIDEO Part 1
VIDEO Part 2
Funding your Graduate Education
This session will review important information on funding sources available to qualified graduate students. Information about grants, scholarships, and assistantships will be discussed. Additionally, information will be provided regarding staying in compliance with rules and procedures after receiving funding.




Campus Information Technology

Learn more about educational technology resources available for students.